Towne Family Association, Inc.
Towne DNA Project

The Towne Y-DNA surname project began in 2007 and has grown to over 50 participants so far.
By mapping out the DNA markers in the lines of each of William's sons, the project hopes to
help all Towne test participants confirm (or refute) their paper trails or break through brick walls
they may be experiencing trying to find connections.
Our Y-DNA Project uses the testing company FamilyTreeDNA (FTDNA)
and can be found here: Towne DNA Project
Here is a link to our policy statement and details about what we do and do not do:
Policies and Roles
With our results so far we are able to reconstruct what William's Y-DNA markers (67 locations on the Y-chromosome)
must have been, with 99% accuracy. We also know that his Haplogroup was R1b, and based on advanced testing of some
of our participants, we know that specifically he must have been R-A4672 (the most recent terminal SNP to date).
To see the complete, up-to-date Towne Y-DNA test results, click on
Towne Y-DNA Project Results
A modified spreadsheet showing the mutations in each branch can be seen here:
Towne Y-DNA Mutations
to see the descendant charts for each of William and Joanna's sons showing lines that have been CONFIRMED (to
a high degree of statistical certainty) through DNA testing. If YOUR line shares any of these ancestors, you, too,
can be pretty sure that these individuals and their ancestry back to William are genetically validated.
If you are male, with a Towne surname or variant, we'd love to have you join our Y-DNA project. However, we first want to caution you about DNA testing.
Please read our warning about unexpected results:
Before You Test
If you're interested, we recommend starting with a 37 marker test at the minimum (67 is even better.) If you ONLY want to find out if you're related
to William or not, you can probably do so with the 12 marker test. Regardless, ordering through our project will get you the group discount:
Order Test and Join Towne DNA Project
Note that TFA may subsidize a portion of 67 marker test costs from lines that haven't yet been explored. So send us your lineage
(just the string of names tying you back to William) and we'll consider you for a subsidy. We generally ask that you pay for the
initial test (e.g. 12 markers) to confirm you are descended from William and Joanna, and that you are a member of TFA. We then will consider a
subsidy for an upgrade to try and confirm which branch you most closely match.
More results will help us fill in the descendant branch-points. (Your results are kept anonymous, of course.)
We also welcome those interested in their maternal lines to order mtDNA tests. Especially if anyone can claim an unbroken female line from
Joanna Blessing through one of their daughters!
Anyone who has done the autosomal DNA test (FamilyFinder) is welcome to join our project as well. Although your "results"
(which consist of a list of "matches" who share DNA with you) can't be displayed, by joining our project we can work with
you to understand your results and how they may validate your connection to an existing Towne line. For examples of some of
our autosomal successes, see our full DNA tree at:
Full DNA Decendant chart for William Towne
Please feel free to contact the DNA committee for details or questions. You can email us at: dna@townefolk.com
***TO LEARN MORE ABOUT DNA TESTING we suggest these links:
Background on what DNA genealogy is all about!