Towne Family Association, Inc.
Join us in Cincinnati in
September 2025! Dates to be determined.

A good time was had by all at our Salt Lake City reunion where many of us especially enjoyed the activities in the Discovery Center of the Genealogy Center. You will read all about it in the next issue of About Towne. Thanks to Tamara Towne Roberts, her daughter, Lauryn, and Paula Hardesty for organizing a wonderful event which balanced plenty of time for research in the library with opportunities for us to socialize as a group - of course, over food - pizza, continental breakfasts, and a dessert social!
 Elizabeth Hanahan and Paula Towne
As the Towne families started moving West, many of their paths took them through Ohio. As we explore their westward journeys, we are making plans to hold our 2025 reunion in Cincinnati.
Cincinnati was the home of Elizabeth C. Nourse, a world-acclaimed artist who was born in Cincinnati and trained in the Design School of Cincinnati. Her work has been displayed in the Cincinnati Museum of Art, as well as other museums. Her twin sister Adelaide was a wood carver whose husband Benn Pitman founded the Phonographic Institute of Cincinnati and invented the electro-process of relief engraving in 1856.
A short 13 mile drive from Cincinnati takes us to North Bend, Ohio, the burial site of President William Henry Harrison, whose daughter Lucy Singleton Harrison married David Kirkpatrick Este, an attorney who moved from New Jersey to Cincinnati and later became a Justice of the Supreme Court of Ohio. He was a Mary descendant.
We are looking for volunteers to serve on a committee to plan this reunion. If you would like to help out contact Tamara at reunions@townefolk.com
Watch for updates in About Towne and here as detailed reunion plans are developed.
Where Should We Go Next?
We like to meet about every five years in the Salem/Danvers, Massachusetts area, but in other years like to meet in different parts of the country so more members have a chance to participate. We are looking for new ideas and hope you will help us by completing the brief survey below:
Give us your reunion suggestions here!
TFA Annual Reunion Planning Guidelines, Approved 4 April 2023
Interested to see where previous TFA meetings and reunions have been held? You can check them out here:
1981-2024 Reunions
Remembering . . .
Fort Wayne, Indiana 2000 Scrapbook
Members may view last year's Fort Wayne 2023 scrapbook on the
Members Only page
Don't miss out on the fun! JOIN TFA!!

2018 38th Reunion in Springfield, MA
Photography courtesy of Barry Cass

2010 30th Reunion in Omaha, NE
Photography courtesy of Sue Carson

Farewell Dinner at 11th Street Dockside Restaurant, Port Royale, SC, October 2013
Photography courtesy of Tom Johnson
Regional Meetings
If you are interested in hosting a small get-together in your area, contact Tamara Roberts at reunions@townefolk.com who will get you started!Check out latest information on the Northwest regional meeting. Everyone interested is welcome to attend!
Read about some which have already been held:
Regional Meetings