Towne Family Association, Inc.

ABOUT TOWNE Newsletters

Membership in TFA includes quarterly newsletters packed with little-known histories of various descendants of William and Joanna Towne. Individual genealogies are included in most issues, as well as association news. These newsletters are available to members only on the website unless a printed copy is requested on the renewal form. If you are a current TFA member in good standing AND have been registered on the website, click the following link to be taken to the page where you may access the current newsletter as well as our archive of over 40 years of past newsletters.

July-August-September 2024 Newsletter and Archive

If you are a current TFA member, but are not yet registered for a user account for the website, contact Interim Executive Secretary Carolyn Cogswell who will set up and activate your account.

If you are not yet a member, or need to renew, click below for the membership form, which will need to be processed by Carolyn before you will be able to register for a user account.

REMINDER: Membership renewals were due January 1, 2024. The membership/renewal form is on the website and in every issue of About Towne. Renew soon to avoid missing any issues of the newsletter.

Click below to JOIN or RENEW.

2024 TFA Membership Form

Do you know of a TFA member who has been special to you, either with a recent achievement, or over the course of TFA's history? Arthur and Jean Towne have sent in several tributes, but we know that there are many other members out there who deserve some special recognition. About Towne is looking for your contributions. If you need help putting one together, contact our editor who will give you some suggestions and may be able to direct you to someone else interested in writing a tribute to the same member.

We are looking forward to working with everyone to continue to provide members with a high quality newsletter. Some old and new topics that we would like to see featured include:
  • Your personal family history, stories and traditions, passed on by your ancestors;
  • Issues of interest: national/regional events, local gatherings, conferences, locations of interest;
  • Health, DNA and family history;
  • Significant newsworthy events in the lives of our members (births, deaths, graduations, marriages, promotions, publications, volunteer work...and, anything you'd like to brag about!).

Submission Deadlines

January - March 2025 Issue - November 7, 2024
April - June 2025 Issue - February 7, 2025
July - September 2025 Issue - May 7, 2025
October - December 2024 Issue - August 7, 2024

Please make all submissions via email to . Files should be sent as attachments, in a word-processing format, such as Microsoft Word or WordPerfect. Also, if you have photos to include as part of your submission, please attached them in a JPEG, BMP, GIF or other picture format, in a small to medium size.

Any questions, ideas for columns or regular features, or if you're having trouble submitting your articles, please contact the About Towne editor.

A page from our July-August-September 2024 issue:

Interested in newsletters from our archives? Check for your ancestors in one of the following indexes covering 1980-2022: